Our services.

  • Hoarding Cleanup

    We offer free consultations and estimates before any service!

    1. Hourly vs. Flat Rate Pricing

    Hourly Rate: Some companies charge an hourly rate per worker, typically ranging from $50 to $100 per hour per person.

    Flat Rate: We can offer a fixed price based on the job size and complexity.

    2. Cost by Square Footage

    Cleanup services range from $2 - $5 per square foot, depending on the level of hoarding and hazards involved.

    3. Average Total Cost

    Mild Hoarding (Light Clutter, No Biohazards): $1,000 – $3,000

    Moderate Hoarding (Heavy Clutter, Some Safety Concerns): $3,000 – $6,000

    Severe Hoarding (Extreme Clutter, Biohazards, Structural Damage): $8,000+

    4. Additional Costs

    Biohazard Cleanup (Mold, Animal Waste, Bodily Fluids): $500 – $5,000 extra

    Heavy-Duty Deep Cleaning: $500 – $2,500

    Junk Removal & Dumpster Rental: $300 – $800 per dumpster

    Pest Control (if needed): $100 – $500

    Storage & Organization Services: $500 – $2,000

    5. Factors Affecting Cost

    Size of the property

    Level of clutter and hoarding severity

    Type of waste or biohazards

    Number of workers required

  • Routine Cleanings

    Basic cleanings for your home or airbnb include surface and deep cleaning. Kitchen, living rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms; dishes, mopping, dusting, tile scrubbing, laundry, toilets, windows, etc.

    We provide all supplies to make sure your house is sparkling with no extra costs.

    Hourly Rate: $25/hr for one worker. $40 if two workers are preferred.

    We also take special cleaning requests!

  • Interior Design

    To get started, you can reach out via phone, email, or through my website’s contact form.

    Let me know the details of your project, including the room you’d like styled or painted, your preferred color scheme or design vision, and any specific requests you have. An example of my work is on my home page and you can find more on my social media.

    We’ll schedule a consultation to discuss your ideas, timeline, and budget, ensuring everything is tailored to your needs.

    Once confirmed, I’ll take care of the rest, transforming your space into something beautiful and personalized!

    Pricing: $100 - $500 depending on room size/amount of walls styled.